You can get EVERYTHING here:
Behind the wheel instruction
State eye tests
State written tests
Road test services*
Door-to-door pick up and drop off at home, school, or job
We will purchase your permit for you (if you are 16)*
Permit validation and road test scheduling
Instruction 7 days a week (see office hours)
Prompt service
Incredibly high road test pass rate
Competitive fees
*Provided there are no immigration or health issues.
Office Hours & Contact Information:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday: 9 am - 12 noon
Saturday (1st and 3rd of each month): 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Note - You are welcome to come in any time we're open; however, due to the high volume of activity in our office and the possibility of extended waiting times, we strongly encourage you to schedule an appointment prior to your visit.
Driving lessons occur at a time that works for YOU in between 7:00 am – 8:00 pm any day of the week (even Sundays). We will not pull students out of school for driving lessons; however, we will take students for road tests during school hours.
Phone: 589-8800
Fax: 589-8018
Highly organized & friendly office staff
Communication with the student and their family is a top priority for us!
Large staff enables quick scheduling (usually 1 – 2 weeks after signing up)
Ability to see instructor and car (on this web site) BEFORE they arrive at your home
All our instructors carry cell phones for all lessons
Safe, newer cars that are well maintained
A lovely office where clients visit, drop off and pick up materials, and take eye and written tests
Owners & Office Staff:
Harper Driving School was purchased by the Rue and Tyrell families in January 2007.
The Rues and Tyrells are excited to be able to serve South Jersey by providing the highest quality of driving instruction in the area.
Tim and Allison Rue both grew up in Pitman and worked under Mr. Harper for many years. Tim is a history teacher at Williamstown High School and Allison is a stay-at-home mom and a driving instructor. Both have logged thousands of hours in driving instruction.
the Rue Family
Jason and Celess Tyrell have spent their lives in South Jersey. Jason is a pastor at Joy Community Fellowship in Pitman. Celess works for Anthony J. Jannetti Incorporated in Sewell, NJ.
the Tyrell Family